For Veterans

If you have served in the Armed Forces you have faced unique challenges that civilians have not. These include separation from your family, grueling trainings, unpredictable working and living conditions, deployments, and then the seeming impossible task of reintegrating back to “normal” life post deployment. This is barely scratching the surface. Everything has changed about you before and after the military, before and after deployment and you feel like the people you knew before just cannot understand you and what you’ve been through. When you desperately need to be connecting with others you may find yourself doing the exact opposite. You may actually find yourself doing a lot of things you don’t quite understand and that don’t make sense to you or your family and friends. I am creating this website for you. To help you and your families understand the why. You’re not crazy or broken or weak or whatever other label you’re throwing at yourself right now by the way. The weak don’t do superhuman things. They don’t go into the pit of hell so the rest of us don’t have to. That’s not weak, it’s incredibly strong. Don’t let your mind convince you otherwise.  Please come back regularly to my blog for articles, ideas and tips for you, the Veteran, and for your family

See my video below. It is very common for Veterans who are diagnosed with PTSD to experience erectile dysfunction. Please know you are not alone! It is one of the most common concerns Veteran talk to me about.