How not to fall for a narcissist: The Teen edition

Hi! I’m a mental health therapist specializing in relationships and PTSD and I  recently wrote a book called How NOT to Fall for a Narcissist: The TEEN Edition Everything They Don’t Teach You in School but Should Find it here

So, we have read all the books, read all the articles. But if you talk to an adult about this they’ll tell you, “Why didn’t they teach this to us in school”? And if you’re a teen, are you wondering how not to meet someone like your mom and dad who went through the most toxic divorce or your older friend who had a crash and burn relationship and you definitely don’t want that to happen to you? Do you wonder where there is real, practical advice for you to help you understand and recognize warning flags in others, to see the manipulative, narcissistic behaviors before I get 10 years deep into a bad relationship? How do I know what a healthy relationship is? 

Do you say to yourself, “I know communication is important, but what does that look like”? What do boundaries for teens and young adults look like? What if my family was unhealthy-does that mean I’m doomed to always have an unhealthy relationship? What if I’m still living with my family who is unhealthy, how do I survive this until I can move out? 

And what about healthy friendships? I feel like my friends are hot and cold. Sometimes, I feel confused around them and how they treat me. How do I know if this is healthy or not?

What does it mean to end an unhealthy relationship and if I do find myself in one how do I safely get out?

These are NOT issues taught in school, but should be. I wrote a short book, because I know you are busy, to address these topics and do give you insight, warning signs, information to help prepare you to first of all define what a narcissist is, what they do to find their target, tactics they use, real life examples of what this actually looks like so you will recognize it when you see it. I want you to have the best chance at healthy relationships, leading to a happier life.

If you are a parent reading this, this is the perfect gift for your teen, especially if you have given them a healthy home. They need to understand that there are manipulative people out there. If they have never been around one before, how will they know when they meet one? Typically what happens is if you are raising a healthy child who has never been emotionally harmed or been exposed to emotionally harmful people they honestly can’t imagine why someone would do this and when they go out into the world they are unfortunately confronted with no shortage of people full of charm just waiting for your innocent child to not be able to recognize what they are all about. This book is exactly what they need to prepare them that not every person is like you.

When you are ready, you can find it here

Wishing you all the best.


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