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Gaslighting: What is It?

Gaslighting is a deceitful tactic that abusers employ to make their victims question their own sanity and understanding of reality. It is a type of emotional abuse that can harm the victim’s mental health and well-being in the long run. We will delve into the subject of gaslighting in this blog article, looking at what …

Gaslighting: What is It? Read More »

Understanding the Connection Between Abuse and Physical Health: How Abusive Relationships Affect Health

Understanding the Connection Between Abuse and Physical Health: How Abusive Relationships Affect Health Abuse in relationships can take many different forms, including physical harm and mental control. While the impacts of abuse on mental health are widely known, it’s crucial to understand that abuse can also have detrimental effects on physical health. This blog article …

Understanding the Connection Between Abuse and Physical Health: How Abusive Relationships Affect Health Read More »

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Why Don’t They Just Leave Their Abusive Partner?

Domestic abuse is a complicated problem that affects millions of individuals globally. In this blog article, I will discuss some of the reasons why people remain in violent relationships and offer insights taken from my experience working with those experiencing intimate partner violence aka domestic violence. Physical Danger AnxietyOne of the most common reasons why …

Why Don’t They Just Leave Their Abusive Partner? Read More »

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What if my partner has PTSD?

If your partner has been diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), your relationship may face some difficulties. It is essential to acknowledge that these difficulties are not your fault and that you are not alone. In this piece, we’ll examine how PTSD affects relationships and offer advice to help you and your partner develop a …

What if my partner has PTSD? Read More »